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I love you. I love you with a greater love than you can comprehend. I set aside the perfection and pleasures of heaven to offer Myself as a sacrifice for your sins. I became a man so I could intimately understand your earthly battles with the flesh, the world and the evil forces that come against you day after day. I suffered as no person on earth will ever suffer. I was despised, spit upon and beaten beyond humans recognition. I was nailed to a cross where I shed My divine blood as an atonement for your sins. I rose from the grave in three days victorious over eery enemy of life you will ever face. I am your risen Savior!

When you are facing the trails and temptations of life, remember you are never alone. I have given the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach and guide you. He is in you and will empower you through every step of your spiritual journey.

Read My Word and pray at the beginning of each day. Be salt and light in a world of darkness and confusion. Boldly tell others of My love for them. Proclaim without shame the way of salvation trusting the Holy Spirit to draw hearts and souls unto Me. Serve and worship me faithfully in thelocal body of believers I place you in. Do not expect the world to reward you for your obedience to Me. I am the Bread of Life and the Prince of Peace.

Satan will try to distract, discourage and defeat you. He will try to use difficult circumstances to plant seeds of hatred and bitterness in your heart. Resist him. Give Me all the pain, persecutions and problems in your life. They are not yours to bear. They are mine. Bring Me all the bitterness, bondage and brokenness of your past. I am not the author of the tragedies you have had to experience in life. But in My sovereignty I will work out all things to your good and My glory. Stand firm in the authority of My Word and trust mefor the victory! Through Me you can triumph over every challenge and trial of life! I am your Counselor and Conquering King!

Never forget that I am continually interceding to our Father on your behalf. You will walk through many fires an trials in life. Expect them. But at the same time rest in the unwavering assurance f My Power, My Promises and My Provision. I will lead you only where My grace will sustain you. You will not aways understand the divine plan I have for your life. Trust Me. In Me and Me alone lies your joy, your strength and your success in life!


